Sheri Dixon offers International seminars and presentations, practice development and support, team building, sports enhancement, and bespoke diet design.
Training Seminar dates:
Please register your interest in training to become a HRV practitioner:
Online Seminar
To introduce heart rate variability (HRV) test evaluation, and the application of Dr. Kucera’s unique mitochondrial diet supplement protocols, to UK & International health and sports practitioners who wish to add these protocols to their professional practices, or those wishing to set up a new practice.
Class 1 – Introduction & Background
Class 2 – Your Auto Pilot
Class 3 – HRV Reading Evaluation
Class 4 – MuDr. Kucera’s Unique Supplements
Class 5 – Case Studies & FAQ’s
Mitochondrial Therapy® Online Training Seminar dates:
Monthly Online – Introduction to HRV & Dr. Kucera’s unique mitochondrial diet supplement protocols
Intermediate Seminar
Online – February, May, July, November
With Sheri Dixon 10am – 6pm dates tba (Prestbury)
Advanced Seminar
With MuDr. Kucera dates tba
To apply, or for more information, or to sign up for our new online fully automated U.K & International course, email