Before we confirm your first appointment you will be asked to complete and return a profile form that includes questions about your health and background. This will ensure your practitioner has sufficient information so that you can be referred to the most appropriate practitioner in terms of knowledge and experience should this be necessary. It is important that you inform your HRV practitioner about any medical diagnosis, prescribed medication, herbal medicine, or diet/nutritional supplements, you are taking.
Initial consultations take up to 30-minutes and include a HRV (heart rate variability) test. The RRP cost for all initial appointments with MuDr. Kucera is £90.00 (excl. vat).
The HRV test takes 5-minutes whilst relaxing in a chair. Signals from the heart are measured in milliseconds and the test result generates information regarding the body’s fundamental regulatory processes that help to maintain equilibrium in the multiple systems of our health.
Diet supplements are not intended for the treatment or prevention of diseases or their symptoms. They provide nutritional support that in turn assists the homeostatic regulatory control systems of the body that help us to maintain our natural health.
Introducing a HRV test
A live HRV test with one of our practitioners
HRV practitioners do not diagnose, treat or prevent any medical conditions.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) testing does not diagnose any medical conditions.
MuDr. Kucera’s diet supplements, used in conjunction with our programme do not treat, prevent or diagnose any medical conditions.
If you have any health concerns or any underlying disease(s), please ensure that you consult with a medical doctor prior to starting any programme.
If you are unclear or have any questions or concerns about our programmes, please do not hesitate to contact us, or your HRV practitioner, for clarification.